Si usas Twitter tienes tu iPhone jailbroken y te gusta customizar apps este tweak es para ti! | Want an insanely in-depth Twitter app colorization experience? Try twttr - iDownloadBlog | #MacUserBori... Ver mas
Want an insanely in-depth Twitter app colorization experience? Try twttr
You can now customize your Twitter app's colorization with an in-depth colorization platform called twttr.
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Si eres de los que hace el jailbreak para customizar la manera en que se ve tu iPhone chequea este tweak. Se ve súper cool! | Give your jailbroken handset a clean new aesthetic with Vibrancy - iDownlo... Ver mas
Give your jailbroken handset a clean new aesthetic with Vibrancy
Vibrancy gives your jailbroken iOS device an all-new aesthetic centered around gorgeous blur effects.
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Yo uso Apple Music pero para los que prefieren Spotify y tienen el iPhone jailbroken con este tweak pueden customizar su experiencia. | Take control of your Spotify Music app with Spos - iDownloadBlog... Ver mas
Take control of your Spotify Music app with Spos
Looking for new and exciting ways to customize the Spotify Music app? If so, then you just might come to appreciate a new release called Spos.
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Tengo todas mis fotos, más de 20,000, en mi iPhone pero soy de los que piensa que el App de Fotos de Apple necesita mejorar así que este tweak me da una razón para hacer el Jailbreak. | Unlock the ful... Ver mas
Unlock the full potential of your iPhone's native Photos app with PhotoManager
The iPhone's native Photos app is a great way to experience all the images you've saved on your handset, but it does lack some basic functionality. This tweak fixes that.
Muchos esperan que en iOS13 llegue con el tan esperado “Dark Mode” que ya llegó a MacOS pero si no puedes esperar empieza con esto si tienes el jailbreak. | This tweak lets you have a dark keyboard on... Ver mas
This tweak lets you have a dark keyboard on your iPhone all the time
You can now use a new free jailbreak tweak called Dark Keyboard to enable a darkened keyboard throughout iOS.
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Dos cosas, si te gusta el twitter app y tienes tu iPhone jailbroken este tweak es para ti!! Seize more control over the official Twitter app with Twitter Labs - #iDownloadBlog | #MacUserBoricua #Tweak... Ver mas
Seize more control over the official Twitter app with Twitter Labs
Twitter Labs is a new free jailbreak tweak that adds a plethora of useful options and features to the official Twitter app for iOS.
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Si tienes un Apple Watch habrás notado la animación cuando lo pones a cargar, ahora puedes ver la misma en tu iPhone! Moonshine ports the Apple Watch charging animation and Nightstand Mode to iPhone -... Ver mas
Moonshine ports the Apple Watch charging animation and Nightstand Mode to iPhone
The Apple Watch has a unique charge animation that iPhone users have envied for the longest time. Fortunately, Moonshine ports it to our everyday handsets.
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