Noori Mohamed
This app needs a serious update- with the option to leave voice recordings- so we can leave recitation or the option to “compartir” easily. The limits here are affecting the membership keeping it ni... Ver mas
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QPB Admin
Hello Noori! Thanks for the feedback! We will make a note of your suggestions to improve our app in a future release. Thanks for being part of our community.
Noori Mohamed
What is solitude’s de amistad? I saw a name there for me and I think is showed press left or right. I pressed right and it disappeared. I should have looked it up. It said Guillermo something. Sorry Guillermo if I declined - send again -
Waldemar Santiago
Hello Noori! The app is in Spanish by default but if you go to “Ajustes de Sistema” you can change it to English
Noori Mohamed
I think I will keep it in Spanish just to improve my Spanish. Es muy importante que aprendo más que ahora. 😇